Celebrate Recovery

What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery is a FREE, Christ-centered 
program that offers a person the opportunity to 
participate in a group fellowship where love and 
hope combine with God’s purpose to mend our 
lives from "hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits."

Is Celebrate Recovery confidential? 

Yes, Celebrate Recovery maintains strict 
confidentiality. This promotes an atmosphere of 
trust and enables recovery. We have a saying 
for every Large Group meeting: WHO you see 
here, WHAT you hear here, WHEN you leave 
here, STAYS HERE. We are diligent about 
confidentiality and anonymity. The guidelines/
rules protect all of us from judgment and being 
“fixed”. In a “safe place” you can take off your
 “mask” and be real and honest without fear. 
You are 100% in control of when and how much you participate.

Is Celebrate Recovery Right for Me?

Ask yourself:

a. Are there things in my life that I do that hurt others?
b. Is there something I wish I could live without?
c. Is it time to crack my denial and admit I am not in control of my life?
d. Do I have a painful habit or hang-up from which I need to be freed?  

If you answered “yes” to any of these statements, then we urge you 
to attend a Celebrate Recovery meeting in person to see if it is right 
for you.

What types of issues are dealt with at Celebrate Recovery?  

A wide variety of "hurts, hang ups and harmful behaviors" are represented at Celebrate Recovery. Examples include: dependency on alcohol or drugs, pornography, low self-esteem, need to control, depression, anger, co-dependency, depression, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, perfectionism, broken relationships, and abuse.

When does SCC's Celebrate Recovery meet?

We offer Celebrate Recovery on an "as-needed" basis.  If you're interested in joining us the next time we do so, contact us via our SCC Home Page.
Seaside Community Church 
PO Box 733 
Seaside, California 93955 
(831) 240-7903 • office@seasidechurchonline.org